Take the Wait Until 8th Pledge

By signing this pledge, I promise not to give my child a smartphone until at least the end of 8th grade as long as at least 10 families total from my child’s grade and school pledge to delay the smartphone.
Primary Guardian:

Student(s) Pledging To Wait:

Please enter the next school your child will attend such as an upper elementary school or middle school. If your child is already in middle school, you may enter the same school you put for the current school for the child’s next school. If your child is in a K through 8th school, enter the same school name for current and next school.

Thank you for signing the Wait Until 8th pledge!

Please complete your pledge by selecting from the donation options below. We are a non-profit organization in need of your financial support to manage and grow the movement. We recommended a $20 donation per family. Every gift regardless of the size helps more families delay the smartphone for their children. Thank you!


Venmo Wait Until 8th